Monday, January 2, 2012

Dawn of a New Day

Waking up before the birds gives me the chance to enjoy the first cup of coffee while contemplating the days activities. What makes today different? Attitude!
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Mohandas Gandhi
Resolutions - A bit cliche' yet...

1. Decluter house with help from 

2. Plan weekly gluten-free meals with

3. Recycle by letting my creative bird soar! I love visiting maya*made for inspiration and insights about making found items useable.

4. Exercise plan to train for climbing Mount Rainier July 23-27, 2012.  LET FREEDOM RING!

Time to sharpen my pencils, grab the ideas  and dive on in to this new year of Hope and Renewal. Come on along and join me on this journey.